

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

List of Project Ideas

Technology Projects to Enhance Classrooms

1) Powerpoint Projects: Easy, formal for various kinds of presentation
2) Movie Projects: For an English project? Act out the stories they read
3)Photos Project: Take pictures of different living things in nature for Science
4)SmartBoard: They can create their own lessons for peers
5)Game making websites: They can have fun creating crosswords and learn at the same time!
6)Make their own website/blog: Make it like a journal every week, enhance writing skills

10 Projects Ideas Throughout School year

September: Mixbook - Introducing themselves to their peers using Mixbook
October: Blogger - Start a blog to type journal every week.
November: Glogster - Create a poster on history of Thanksgiving.
December: SmartBoard - Create a math lesson out with the topic of Christmas
January: Google Earth - Geography lessons and projects
February: Photo Story - About the people they love
March: - Create a website about a state
April: Puzzlemaker - Make a puzzle on any subjects they like, and give out to peers
May: Quizlet - Create a quiz that they can test each other on, either spelling or math
June: Fotobabble: Reflecting on their school year

Google Site!

Woohoo! My google portfolio is complete and finished! I feel like it really came together for me and I didn't really expect such a turn out! I think I am really going to try and keep this on through applying for jobs and such things and keep updating it because I think that this is a good way for people to see what some of my other abilities are and see what I can do using technology.

Here's my google site!!!


Wiki is very interesting! This tool is used for creating your own website. I definitely think I could use this later in life. Also, my parents own their business so that would be a good suggestion to them instead of over-paying people to do something that they can do themselves with wiki! In the classroom this would be a fun place to maybe post your monthly or yearly news letter for parents to go on and check in and see how, we as a class are doing and track our projects and other various class activities.
here's my wiki!!

Final Blog

How do we inspire others to change? Should we? Does the way that we teach need changing? Are students the same or are they changing? What do we want for ourselves and our own children? How are you going to use technology in the classroom? (Be specific.)
Inspiration is a very interesting word. To inspire a person means to open their eyes to a world of new opportunities or adventures or simply various paths a person may take in their life. To inspire someone also means that you have influenced their life in some way or another. I feel that inspiration comes from motivation and I thoroughly believe that inspiration is a key part of life and it's inevitable that at least one person in everybody's life will be inspired by someone else. Change is also a unique word because there's good change and then there's bad change, but how we adapt to that change is what really matters. Inspiring people to change for the good isn't a bad thing, in fact I would consider it a great thing. I feel that if a person take time out of their day to notice someone could use a little inspiration, there must be something that's holding you back from achieving dreams, hopes, or even something small like in the work place. I live when people inspire others because it's a sure point that they are doing something that's noticeable in their life and that's worth seeing or hearing about. I truly believe that inspiring others to change for the good is a positive thing. Obviously not in a hurtful manner, but in a caring and influential way.
Teaching is a very special thing. I feel that it takes a very special talent to have the ability to teach others. I think that in some ways, because we all need to adapt to change as the world grows more technologically advanced, but in the same token, I feel that everyone has their own teaching styles, for good or for bad. I think that if we relied more heavily on technology, it wouldn't always be 100% reliant because nothing is ever perfect, and computers do crash at times, and the internet is not perfect. However, I do believe that we need to change in the sense of being aware of what's around you and knowing what you're getting yourself into before you start, like teaching. Teaching is something that has been happening for a very long time and it's silly to say that teaching hasn't changed, because it has, and will continue to change. I think that every teacher brings something new to the table and each year is a new year and new opportunity to grow and to be better in our lives and careers.
Students are always changing. It's inevitable that students will change in some way or another. As technology and the world evolves, we as people evolve into possibly more knowledgeable and more open to change than before. It's impossible for students to stay the same year after year, and because we learn from the past to better the future, I feel that it's important to keep changing the way we do things. As people we need to have great expectations for ourselves and our children because when someone expects less of another, then the outcome will we worse than to the fullest potential. If we expect the fullest and best efforts for everything, then the outcome will surly be better and will possibly even inspire others to grow in that way as well.
In my future classroom I hope to create lesson plans using technology and possibly some in class activities will involve technology. Smart board will be a perfect tool to use for different things and activities. I would like to see myself creating newsletters for parents online and maybe even send interactive things telling parents how their child is doing in my class.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Pod-casting is very fun and it's an interesting way to get a message across. There are many uses for pod casting. for an example, at my church the pastor has a person in the back recording the whole message for those who missed that week, and he then posts it to the church's website. For school, a teacher could use this tool for directions, or maybe if there has to be a substitute teacher, you could e-mail them a pod cast giving them direct instruction on what you'd like them to do that day. One other way you could use pod casting is you could post (if you have a blog) different annunciation tools, for an example, for younger kids you can help them at home by posting a pod cast of the spelling words for that week.

games in the classroom

I really like "proprofs". This site was a lot of fun to create various games puzzles and crosswords. This site was a little more fun than "classtools". "Classtools" was quite fun too, I like the variety it offers with different kinds of games, other than the genre of crosswords. "Proprofs" is a fun way to create your own crosswords and you can even print them off for an in class activity!

class review

I love Jing. I think it's a very useful tool that I will most likely keep forever because you can do so many resourceful things with it. Smart board was absolutely wonderful. I really liked this because you have so many options on what you can do with various lesson plans and you can make a boring subject or topic a little more exciting. Glogster was very cool because I am a huge fan of poster boards and visuals, and this was like an online or digital poster board! Lastly, I really like these google site portfolios we're working with. It seems like a very useful tool and you can definitely dress them up to however you want to make them professional for when you're applying for jobs.
If a teacher hadn't yet heard about smart board for some reason, I would definitely recommend this to them and maybe even jing if they had some sort of blog where students can go and look up assignments and other educational things.
I really like the grading rubric site and I think that could be a fun and useful tool for them, for say oral speeches or papers. I just think this is better than the "standard" grading rubric, it also gives the teacher some room to be unique or different in a good way.
I might decide to keep up with the blog, maybe to stay in contact with some people, or give them updates on what I'm up to. I'm not sure if I would update my blog weekly but I think it would be a fun thing to stay in touch with. Also, when the time of getting a job gets closer I can look at various teacher blogs to get some ideas for different activities.
My opinion on technology in the classroom had changed drastically since the beginning of the term. I used to think that I would use it occasionally, but not often, but now since I've taken this class I feel like it broadened my horizons a bit and showed me different sites and ways I can be creative with using technology. Smart Board is a prime example of what I would like to bring to my classroom.
Students are very different today then 20 years ago, because 20 years ago technology was not even close to advanced as it is now and students have changed even since 10 years ago. Just in a general sensed example, the definition of "fun" had changed from playing outdoors or various activities alike, to now playing video games or watching television.
I don't think I'm a digital native because I am still learning things about technology and I would not consider myself "tech savvy". I believe that there is no true digital native because technology is constantly changing and people have to keep catching up with the advances. I definitely consider myself to be more "tech savvy" than say my grandmother, but then again she is more so than her mother or grandmother.
I think that everything is good in moderation. It's just like candy. If a child gets a piece of candy every single day, and all of the sudden they start to get candy every other day or once a week even, then they almost seem dependent on candy, and unable to function without it. I think that is a perfect example of what technology can do to students if nothing is ever taught by hand. Just like in math where kids are taught how to do mental math before picking up a calculator. Technology can be great, but in moderation.
I think that I will create some lesson plans using technology and maybe some in class activities will involve technology. Smart board will be a phenomenal tool to use for various things. I may create newsletters for parents online and maybe even send interactive things telling parents how their child is doing in my class.